
Bubble Spinner


Bubble spinner is a classic bubble spinner shooter game. Removing bubbles off the game board while accruing as many points as you can is the object of the game.


The game begins with a hexagon-shaped game board filled with 90 bubbles. Bubbles fall from the top of the board, and players must shoot them to try to match them with other bubbles of the same color. But don't let the connected bubbles touch the game board's edge or the game will be over!

Players can see the current bubble as well as the color of the bubble immediately next in line. Use the pink arrow indicator to help you aim and predict where to shoot the bubble. Be cautious because the bubbles can bounce off the sides of the game board! They will bounce until they make contact with another bubble on the board.

Each popped bubble awards one point to the player. Shooting a bubble at a group of four (creating a group of five) will earn you five points. The point score may be located towards the top of the game board on the left side of the bubble shooter.

Tips and tricks:

Once you're comfortable aiming and shooting bubbles, start banking bubbles off the side walls to reach those hard-to-reach groups. After you've mastered that, start banking your shots off two walls to get groups all the way around the spinner.

Don't be discouraged, the bubble arrangement is random. This means that you might have a really easy spinner in one round, but the next round will be extremely difficult. Just keep playing.

Check out what color your next bubble will be if there isn't a group of the correct color. Then, with the first bubble, rotate the spinner to give the next bubble an easy shot.

How to play:

Move the mouse to aim, then left-click to shoot the bubble onto the spinner.